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The Dos and Don'ts of Buying YouTube Likes for Organic Growth

The Dos and Don’ts of Buying YouTube Likes for Organic Growth

YouTube offers creators the opportunity to build a brand name for themselves by sharing their videos on the platform. And what matters on YouTube the most is the number of likes you are gaining on your videos. The more likes you have, the swifter your account will grow. If you are struggling with likes, you can always invest in some quality YouTube likes. This will help in the organic growth of your account. This article will help you understand the dos and don’ts of buying YouTube likes for organic growth.

What Should You Look for While Buying YouTube Likes?

1.     Buy from a trusted website

Before choosing a website, go through all available options on the internet. Do a thorough background research of the website you are planning to buy from. Check the website address, if it does not contain “https”, it is not a secure website. Also, the payment methods should be SSL-encrypted so that your money is not scammed. Never invest in a website that asks for your credentials like your account password. Make it a habit to contact the customer service team of a website before investing in the said website. Well-informed and polite customer care is what makes a good front for any organisation. Ask them about all your doubts and the workings of the website. Check the customer reviews about the website and choose a website that shows a history of providing high-quality likes.

Once you have finalised the website that you are planning to buy YouTube likes from, decide how many likes you need. Also, find out the budget that you are ready to spend.

2.     Start small

Always start by choosing a package that offers a small number of likes. This will help you in finding out the credibility of the chosen website. If you normally do not get enough likes on your videos, and suddenly your videos start showing thousands of likes it raises suspicion in the eyes of other creators and the platform. Always invest in a few hundred likes first. Once you are able to reap the benefits of the purchased package, only then decide on investing in the next package.

3.     Keep an eye on the growth analytics

Once you have bought a package, wait for a couple of days to analyse its results. Keep a keen eye on your account’s analytics and compare the statistics before and after you have bought the package. This will help you to understand the impact that the purchased likes have on your videos. Once you analyse the impact, it will be easier to understand whether the transaction was a profitable one for you or not. If there is a lag in the performance, you can always opt for a different package or a different strategy to promote organic growth.

4.     Support your bought likes with great content

Make sure whatever results you get; you should always back up your purchase with organic methods. Curate great content that would attract your audience’s attention. Focus on adding tags and interesting descriptions to your video. Work on your promotional strategy and marketing techniques to promote the organic growth of your YouTube account. So, in a nutshell, ensure that your bought packages are always supported with excellent content creation.

Things to Avoid When Buying YouTube Likes

1.     Do not invest in a large number of likes

Never invest in a big package at the start of your career. Because newbie accounts generally have only a few likes on their videos. So, if their videos suddenly start showing a huge number of likes, it seems suspicious to the general audience. They will start to wonder how a novice is gaining so many likes on his video. This will lead them to believe that the likes are fake and hence your career will go downhill even before starting. Also, never buy from websites that offer likes from bot accounts. Bot accounts are sure to give you the much-needed likes but they will neither bring in user engagement nor more new likes.

2.     Likes-to-views ratio

Marketing experts have researched that for every 100 views on YouTube, if you are gaining 4 likes, you have a good likes-to-view ratio. If your numbers go down below this ratio, your account might not be performing as well as you are expecting it to. Focus on maintaining this ratio so that your account can gain recognition. If you have bought a big package, your likes count may shoot up suddenly and the views will remain low. This will raise questions about the authenticity of the likes on your videos.

3.     Do not violate the platform’s rules

You should have a basic understanding of the guidelines of the platform. Before making a purchase, find out if your purchase is within the rules and regulations of YouTube. Always keep yourself updated on the latest terms of service and community guidelines of YouTube. YouTube bans accounts that have purchased likes from bot accounts. This practice of buying fake likes is frowned upon by the YouTube community and can lead to your account getting suspended.

4.     Do not replace organic methods with buying likes

Never make purchasing “likes” the endgame for your YouTube account. Purchased likes can sure help you get a foothold on the platform but they can never be the only play that will help you turn your account into a brand name. Organic methods and bought likes should go hand-in-hand when it comes to organic growth. So, replacing your organic strategies with bought likes is a foolish idea.

Do you know that Buy Quality Likesoffers a wide range of affordable services for multiple social media platforms? Whether it is YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or SoundCloud, you can rely on this tool for all your social media needs. The site provides plays, likes, subscribers, and followers for a small amount of money. This website is legitimate and offers great customer care services. So, go ahead and give Buy Quality Likes a try, and let us know your experience with this tool. In conclusion, you can support your account’s organic growth using purchased likes on YouTube. Just make sure that you are aware of the dos and don’ts mentioned in this article.

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