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Have you ever thought of texting someone by staying offline? Well, I guess you might have did, and that is why you are on this post. Today I have got you an app which can help you text anyone without getting online or staying offline.
Yes! This is possible. Texting by staying offline in social media apps is sometimes crucial, especially when you are texting late at night and you don’t want anyone to notice that you are not asleep yet. This also comes handy when you are on a vacation, yet you want to talk to only a few people of your choice by avoiding your clients or co-workers.
So without further delay let’s get into the topic.
The best app I am using, and which can help you text on social media by staying offline is Whats Bubble Chat. This app was developed by Droid Keypad developers.
As the name suggests this app lets you text on social media by displaying a bubble on your screen. What happens here is, whenever you get a text on your social media handle the notification will be displayed as a bubble on your screen. All you need to do is, click on the bubble and reply.
Whats Bubble Chat will let you do countable things. It is not like the other bubble notification app, this has many advanced features. Here’s a list of some of the important and useful features you should know,
The only limitation I have noticed in this app is, you can’t send or share any media using this. For sharing the media like images, files, and others you need to do that from the main application as you always do now.
This app is available on playstore, thus you can install it from there just like any other app. All you need to do is type ‘Whats Chat Bubble’ in the search area and install the app. For making it simple, you can install it directly by clicking the download button below.
Setting up and using this app is just as smooth as butter! Here are the steps to follow to Set up the app,
Step 01: First things first! Download and install the app on your device.
Step 02: Now open the app and let it load.
Step 03: Read the instructions it shows on the screen, and press next till you reach the permission access screen.
Step 04: Now click on the options and grant all the permissions it asks.
Step 05: Now click on the Apps option and select the apps you want to use via Whats Bubble Chat application.
Step 06: Now look for the ‘Test’ option on the top right of the screen and press it! This will show you how the app works, if you liked it, just click done.
Step 07: Now that you have set up what you need, you just need to click on the ‘ON’ option and it’s done.
Step 08: Wait for someone to text, and a notification will popup on your screen as a bubble. Click on it.
Step 09: Just type and text the same as you do in the original apps.
Step 10: And that’s it! You are good to go!
And by clicking on the settings option in the menu; you can modify the theme, color, and size as you prefer.
That’s it for this post! Hope you enjoyed and learnt something from this. At our site we will be uploading the similar useful How to’s about the best apps available. If you are interested in stuff like this, you can subscribe to our newsletter and get notified with the content.
If you find any difficulty to use and access the app, please let us know in the comments section below, we are happy to help.