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8 Ways To Capture Screenshots on Your Mac Computer or PC in 2023

8 Ways To Capture Screenshots on Your Mac Computer or PC in 2023

In the digital age, capturing screenshots has become an essential skill for everyone, whether you’re a professional, a student, or just someone who loves to share content online. Screenshots are invaluable for sharing information, troubleshooting, or simply saving memorable moments. If you own a Mac computer or a PC in 2023, this comprehensive guide will walk you through eight different methods for taking screenshots effortlessly. From built-in shortcuts to third-party tools, we’ve got you covered.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using Native Shortcuts
  • 2.1. Capturing the Entire Screen
  • 2.2. Selective Area Screenshot
  • 2.3. Active Window Screenshot
  1. Snipping Tools on Windows PC
  • 3.1. Snip & Sketch
  • 3.2. Snipping Tool
  1. Third-Party Screenshot Software
  • 4.1. Snagit
  • 4.2. Lightshot
  1. Browser Extensions for Web Content
  2. Cloud-Based Screenshot Tools
  • 6.1. Lightshot Cloud
  • 6.2. Dropbox Screenshot Capture
  1. Screenshots on Mac: Grab Utility
  • 7.1. Taking Screenshots with Grab
  • 7.2. Timed Screenshots
  1. Using Mac’s Preview for Screenshots
  2. FAQs
  3. Conclusion


Screenshots have become indispensable in our digital lives, aiding us in sharing information, preserving memories, and troubleshooting. In this guide, we’ll explore the eight best ways to capture screenshots on your Mac computer or PC in 2023. Whether you’re a Mac aficionado or a dedicated Windows user, you’ll find a solution that suits your needs.

Using Native Shortcuts

1. Capturing the Entire Screen

To capture your entire screen on a Mac, simply press Command (⌘) + Shift + 3. On a PC, use PrtScn (Print Screen) or Windows + Shift + S for a selective screenshot.

2. Selective Area Screenshot

On a Mac, press Command (⌘) + Shift + 4, then drag to select the desired area. On a PC, use PrtScn, then paste it into an image editor.

3. Active Window Screenshot

For a screenshot of the active window on a Mac, press Command (⌘) + Shift + 4, followed by the Spacebar. On Windows, use Alt + PrtScn to capture the active window.

Snipping Tools on Windows PC

3.1. Snip & Sketch

On Windows 10 and 11, Snip & Sketch is your go-to tool for quick snips. Access it via Windows + Shift + S, or search for it in the Start menu.

3.2. Snipping Tool

If you’re using Windows 7 or 8.1, the Snipping Tool is a handy option. Find it in the Start menu or search bar.

Third-Party Screenshot Software

4.1. Snagit

Snagit is a powerful cross-platform tool for capturing screenshots. It offers features like scrolling capture and extensive editing options.

4.2. Lightshot

Lightshot is a lightweight, free, and easy-to-use screenshot tool for Mac and PC. Download and install it for quick snipping.

Browser Extensions for Web Content

When you want to capture web content, browser extensions are a lifesaver. Add these extensions to your browser and snap away with ease.

Cloud-Based Screenshot Tools

6.1. Lightshot Cloud

Lightshot offers a cloud-based service for storing and sharing your screenshots. With a free account, you can access your images from anywhere.

6.2. Dropbox Screenshot Capture

Dropbox also provides screenshot capturing and storage features. It’s a secure way to organize and share your screen grabs.

Screenshots on Mac: Grab Utility

7.1. Taking Screenshots with Grab

Mac users can use the Grab utility, found in the Utilities folder. It offers advanced options like timed screenshots and cursor capture.

7.2. Timed Screenshots

With Grab, you can set a timer before capturing your screenshot. This is perfect for capturing drop-down menus or pop-up notifications.

Using Mac’s Preview for Screenshots

Mac’s Preview app isn’t just for viewing images; it can also capture screenshots. Open Preview, click “File,” and choose “Take Screenshot.”


Q1: Can I take screenshots on my Mac or PC without any software?

Yes, both Mac and Windows have built-in shortcuts for taking screenshots. No additional software is required.

Q2: How do I find my screenshots on a Mac or PC?

Screenshots on Mac are saved on the desktop by default. On Windows, they are saved in the “Screenshots” folder in the “Pictures” library.

Q3: Can I edit my screenshots after capturing them?

Yes, you can edit your screenshots using built-in image editors or third-party software like Photoshop or GIMP.

Q4: Are there any copyright issues with capturing web content as screenshots?

Capturing web content for personal use or educational purposes is generally acceptable. However, be mindful of copyright and fair use guidelines when sharing online.

Q5: What’s the difference between cloud-based and local storage for screenshots?

Cloud-based storage allows you to access your screenshots from anywhere with an internet connection, while local storage keeps them on your device.


In 2023, capturing screenshots on your Mac or PC is easier than ever. You have an array of native shortcuts, powerful third-party tools, and cloud-based options at your disposal. The right choice depends on your preferences and needs. Whether it’s a simple screenshot of your desktop or a complex, multi-step capture, this guide has you covered. Start snapping and sharing your digital moments with confidence!

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