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150+ Complete Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts: The Ultimate Guide 2023

150+ Complete Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts: The Ultimate Guide 2023


In the dynamic world of technology, efficiency is key. When it comes to navigating your way around Windows 10, mastering keyboard shortcuts is the ultimate hack for boosting your productivity. This comprehensive guide will not only provide you with a whopping 150+ keyboard shortcuts, but it will also help you explore the ins and outs of Windows 10 in 2023. No more clicking through endless menus – with these shortcuts, you’ll become a power user in no time.

Why Keyboard Shortcuts Matter

Before we dive into the treasure trove of Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts, let’s understand why they are so essential. Keyboard shortcuts are like the secret handshake of the digital world. They allow you to interact with your computer in a way that’s faster, more efficient, and more ergonomic. Here’s why they matter:

1. Speed

Keyboard shortcuts save you precious time. Instead of clicking through various menus and options, a simple key combination can perform the same task in a fraction of a second.

2. Productivity

By reducing the time you spend on mundane tasks, keyboard shortcuts boost your overall productivity. You can focus on the task at hand and get more done.

3. Ergonomics

Constantly reaching for your mouse can lead to repetitive strain injuries. Using keyboard shortcuts is easier on your wrists and hands, promoting a healthier work environment.

4. Precision

Some tasks are much easier to perform with shortcuts, like navigating and managing windows, which can be challenging with a mouse.

Now, let’s delve into the impressive array of Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts at your disposal:

Navigating and Managing Windows

  1. Win + D: Show or hide the desktop.
  2. Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
  4. Win + L: Lock your computer.
  5. Win + S: Open the search bar.
  6. Alt + F4: Close the active app or window.
  7. Win + Arrow keys: Snap windows to the sides and corners.
  8. Win + M: Minimize all windows.
  9. Alt + F4: Close the current window.
  10. Win + Tab: Open Task View.

Browsing and Navigation

  1. Ctrl + T: Open a new tab in your web browser.
  2. Ctrl + W: Close the current tab.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab.
  4. Ctrl + F: Find text on a webpage.
  5. Alt + Left Arrow: Go back in the browser history.
  6. Alt + Right Arrow: Go forward in the browser history.

File Management

  1. Ctrl + C: Copy selected items.
  2. Ctrl + X: Cut selected items.
  3. Ctrl + V: Paste copied or cut items.
  4. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  5. Ctrl + A: Select all items.
  6. F2: Rename a selected item.
  7. Shift + Delete: Permanently delete an item.
  8. Ctrl + D: Duplicate selected items.

Text Editing

  1. Ctrl + C: Copy selected text.
  2. Ctrl + X: Cut selected text.
  3. Ctrl + V: Paste copied or cut text.
  4. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  5. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.
  6. Ctrl + A: Select all text.
  7. Ctrl + Backspace: Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
  8. Ctrl + Delete: Delete the word to the right of the cursor.

System Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
  2. Win + X: Open the Quick Link menu.
  3. Win + I: Open Windows Settings.
  4. Win + R: Open the Run dialog box.
  5. Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder.

Advanced Shortcuts

  1. Shift + F10: Open the context menu.
  2. Alt + Enter: Open item properties.
  3. F3: Search for a file or folder.
  4. Shift + Delete: Delete an item without moving it to the Recycle Bin.
  5. Ctrl + Shift + Click: Run an app or file as an administrator.

Essential Windows 10 Functions

  1. Win + A: Open the Action Center.
  2. Win + E: Open File Explorer.
  3. Win + C: Open Cortana in listening mode.
  4. Win + K: Open the Connect pane to connect to wireless displays and audio devices.
  5. Win + P: Choose a presentation display mode.
  6. Win + + or Win + –: Zoom in or out using the Magnifier.

Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open the security options menu.
  2. Alt + Space: Open the window menu.
  3. Shift + Click on a taskbar button: Open a new instance of the app.
  4. Ctrl + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows on the desktop.

Ease of Access

  1. Win + U: Open Ease of Access Center.
  2. Ctrl + C: Copy the formatting of selected text.
  3. Ctrl + V: Paste copied formatting.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. For the full list of 150+ Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts, be sure to check out Microsoft’s official Keyboard Shortcuts page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I create custom keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10?

Creating custom keyboard shortcuts involves using third-party software or creating a shortcut to a program or file and then assigning a keyboard shortcut in its properties. Unfortunately, Windows 10 does not provide a built-in way to create custom keyboard shortcuts.

2. Can I disable or change existing keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10?

Yes, you can disable or change some keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10. To do this, you can navigate to the Windows Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard, and you’ll find options to customize keyboard shortcuts.

3. What’s the best way to learn and remember keyboard shortcuts?

The best way to learn and remember keyboard shortcuts is through practice. Start with a few essential shortcuts, use them regularly, and gradually introduce more into your workflow. Additionally, you can create cheat sheets or use mnemonic devices to help remember the key combinations.

4. Are keyboard shortcuts the same in all versions of Windows 10?

Most keyboard shortcuts remain consistent across different versions of Windows 10. However, there may be some variations or new shortcuts introduced in updates. It’s a good practice to stay updated with the latest changes from Microsoft.

5. Can I use these shortcuts on a touch-based Windows 10 device?

While keyboard shortcuts are primarily designed for physical keyboards, many of them work on touch-based Windows 10 devices. However, touch-specific gestures and actions are often more intuitive for these devices.


In the ever-evolving world of Windows 10, mastering keyboard shortcuts is your ticket to enhanced efficiency and productivity. With over 150 shortcuts at your fingertips, you’ll be navigating and managing your digital workspace like a pro in 2023. So, ditch the mouse and take the fast lane to Windows 10 mastery. Your computer will thank you, and you’ll thank yourself for the precious time saved.

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